I just 'phoned Britain Branch and asked to speak to someone in the Public Information Department.
It looks like the days of questioning the Branch over the 'phone are a thing of the past.
Here is the substance of my conversation with the sister who answered the telephone:
Operator: "What sort of information, please - is it a legal question or an accounting or construction question?"
Me: No, it's a question about WATCHTOWER INTERNATIONAL. I just wanted some information about it.
Operator: Watchtower International???? We have a Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Britain, is that what you mean?
Me: No. It sounds as if you haven't heard of this organization either. I found it on the U.S. Dept. of State web site. https://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/irf/2017/eap/280832.htm
Operator: OK, probably the best thing you could do is drop us a line at the address on our web site, because we are all volunteers here and we don't have people to answer questions over the 'phone. Thank you for your call.
Me: So you've never heard of this organization yourself?
Operator: Hmmm............ yeah........................so thank you for your call. That's how to go about it.
Me: Can you answer that question - have you not heard of this organization?
Operator: Hmmm........yes...........I'm sorry, I'm not answering any questions. I'm not a spokesman, I'm just a switchboard operator. Thank you. Goodbye.
Even Bethelite mushrooms are being kept in the dark - as well as being fed the bovine excrement!
Maybe someone in the USA could get some info by 'phoning the HQ.